Wednesday, October 31, 2012

These Are The Times To Think

We have all had those people hurt us time and time again, yet, somehow we always let them in. Maybe it is time to say no. Think before you let people back in. In no way is this say to not forgive the person who wronged you, but keep them at an arms length. There is a special bond called trust, one which was broken. It should take more than, "I am sorry" for them to get back into your heart and be involved in your life. Time and time again girls (not discluding boys, but girls are the bigger offenders) get hurt by people- and all it takes is, I am sorry and they instantly let them back in. These are the times to think.

Is it worth it to you to totally give your heart and trust to someone again, yet only having it end up getting hurt again? No. Of course not. Give it time. Let yourself heal. Do not set yourself up again, and give someone so much trust. It isn't worth it to either of you.Trust is something that is earned. Think about your relationships. Be careful with whom you place your trust in. You cannot burn a bridge and put it back up in the same day. There needs to be a plan of action to rebuild that bridge- an apology  followed by time to slowly build that bridge- trust- back up. Bridges don't pop up in a day. Some take weeks, some take months, some take years. Slow it down, think before you let yourself into a situation again. These are the times to think.

This is not directed primarily at relationships between boys and girls- although it certainly applies. Girls can be mean, and so can boys. This applies to all relationships, including between parents and children. You cannot expect as the child to break a rule and then be good for a few days and expect to gain back trust. You must earn it. Often we try to blame the other person for the issue in the relationship. This is false. It takes two to tango. You do not have a relationship without two people, and you do not have a problem without two people. It cannot simply be the one person. It is your reaction to what the person does that can be a problem. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill. These are the times to think.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you do, and what you say are in harmony."-Gandhi

Sunday, October 14, 2012

These Are The Times To Not Assume

In society we often make assumptions, we come to conclusions without knowing the background. There are communication issues and people assume things all the time. We must not assume we know what is going on, but rather that we do not know the other side, and need to be understanding. People react to things in different ways, and it is not our place to judge them. We need to simply love them and give them the benefit of the doubt. We do not know what is going on in their lives- these are the times to not assume. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf relayed the following story about making assumptions:

"There is an old Welsh story from the 13th century about a prince who returned home to find his dog with           blood dripping down its face. The man rushed inside and, to his horror, saw that his baby boy was missing and his cradle overturned. In anger the prince pulled out his sword and killed his dog. Shortly thereafter, he heard the cry of his son—the babe was alive! By the infant’s side lay a dead wolf. The dog had, in reality, defended the prince’s baby from a murderous wolf.

Though this story is dramatic, it demonstrates a point. It opens the possibility that the story we tell ourselves about why others behave a certain way does not always agree with the facts—sometimes we don’t even want to know the facts. We would rather feel self-justified in our anger by holding onto our bitterness and resentment. Sometimes these grudges can last months or years. Sometimes they can last a lifetime"
This story is a very dramatized version of what happens when people make assumptions, but it does a wonderful job of portraying what assumptions have the power to do. We simply cannot make assumptions. There are too many people that can get hurt from doing so. As in the story, we cannot let ourselves assume, we must see the whole picture before we come to a conclusion. There are many fights and arguments that can be avoided by simply waiting, and seeing the whole picture. There are reasons behind every action, these are the times to not assume. 
There are times when we know the truth behind why someone is the way they are, yet- we still find room to judge them, and assume that we are right to judge them- simply because it is a natural human reaction. This is false. We cannot assume we have the right to judge anyone, regardless if we think we know what they are going through. It is completely natural for people to come to assumptions about others, but- we must change that. We must love everyone, and know that they too are struggling, or going through something. We must understand others, and simply love. These are the times to not assume.

Sometimes the hardest people to love, are the ones that need it the most. People struggle, and they do so in different ways, what could be hard for one person could be easy for another. We cannot assume that everyone feels the way that we do about certain things. Have an open mind, for these are the times to not assume.

Monday, October 1, 2012

These Are The Times To Realize You Are Amazing

verb /kəmˈpe(ə)r/ 
compared, past participle; compared, past tense; compares, 3rd person singular present; comparing, present participle

  1. Estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between

What may you ask is the pertinence of stating the definition (according to of comparing. Why- because it is one the biggest issues for humans. We compare ourselves to others. We believe that we have to be as good as another person at sports, academics, music, etc. and when we aren't we believe that we are not of as much worth as the other person- but this is not true. The only person we need to compare ourselves to is the person we were yesterday. You need to realize that you are amazing. Each day you are improving and becoming a better person- these are the times to realize you are amazing.

You cannot compare yourself to others but rather the past you. That past you can be you 20 minutes ago when you finally hit the baseball for the first time. You are better now than you were 20 minutes before because YOU accomplished that. Do not compare yourself to a major league baseball player, they have worked and become better than the person they were. They were once who you are. They had to go through the process of learning how to hit. They could not compare themselves. They had to hit the ball and improve. The only person you need to try to be better than is the person you were yesterday, not the person someone else is. These are the times to realize you are amazing.

Today is the day to decide to be better than the old you. You must choose to smile and make every day a good, happy day. Now, You must choose to improve. You improve every day regardless as a human, it is a natural thing. You learn new things every day (most of the time not realizing it) and improve our knowledge. You talk to people and improve your social skills. You listen to people talk and enhance your listening skills. You are always improving in subtle ways, but now you must choose to realize, that you are becoming better. You cannot compare who you are to who someone else is. People improve at different rates. These are the times to realize you are amazing.

You have the choice to not compare yourself to others, and you must make it. You must believe that you are working on improving yourself. It does not matter if you can hit a home run today. It matters that you are working on it. You are trying to become better. Do not compare yourself to the people who can. They did not become that way over night. Do not compare your achievements to theirs. These are the times to realize YOU are amazing.

Choose to smile, choose to realize you are amazing.