Sunday, September 30, 2012

These Are The Times To Smile

We all have bad days.
We all cry- we may not admit it, but we do.
We all have the need to be told we are loved and we are beautiful.
We all have the need for the comfirmation that we are going to be okay.
We all have those days we just want a warm blanket and a loving embrace.

Everywhere we go there are people who struggle understanding who they are. You are not alone. Never let yourself think that you are. This is your fresh start. This is the day to turn it around. You have the decison to make now. Not WE, YOU! You are in control of your future. We may all go through it, but you are the one to decide how to handle it. There is a quote by Micheal Barbarulo which states, "Don't let people; places and things determine your moods. Take charge of how you want to feel each and every day." These are the times to smile.

The power of this quote is amazing. We are in charge of our moods. Think. There is always that one day that has gone all wrong; the one when I said, "Could this day get any worse? I didn't mean it as a challenge. It was rethorical question." The day where everything goes down hill. We all have had those, but you can change that. You are in control. Fake it until you make it. There is no bad day that cannot be turned around. We are all faced with trials, yet- those are the times to smile.

Some of the happiest people on earth really are not as happy as they seem, yet why do they seem so happy? Because they have memorized the concept of the smile. Sit and bawl. Then smile. There is not a way you cannot be happy if you simply say smile. Say it out loud. Shout it to the world. Whisper it to the person next to you. Write a song about it. Say it in your head. Just do it, and there is no way you will not be able to smile. The hardest times in life are the times we need to say to ourselves- these are the times to smile.

A smile can change the day for someone. Have you ever been sad and then you see someone smile at you and you realize- everything is going to be okay. Smiles are infectious. We need to make a goal. Spread the smile. Make the smile the newest trend. Everyone wants the smile. Imagine everyone happy. Everyone smiling. Everyone taking control of their mood and choosing to be happy. The concept of the smile, a simple one, yet so hard for people to do. These are the times to smile.